I believe that there is always something more to discover in this school. Mojiri Tachi The twisting iaijugsu One opponent to the rear. Sensei mentioned something about the meaning of tsuki kage.
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Kosode-otoshi - forearm cut This series consists of 8 tachiwaza and 6 suwariwaza. Zan-getsu - mountain, moon moon appears behind mountain Start as for soetetsuki. Repeat the cut chiburi without shifting the body.

The seventh grand master Hasegawa Eishin shaped the school around the changing times, kqta true to its enduring spirit, and mastering a new type of sword. Usu-zumi - black of calligraphy charcoalstroking line, sweeping. Step forward with right foot and cut while dropping on the knee and shifting back. This is an often returning defensive position. There are 43 iai kata with no particular order, but 7 are considered basic. Iaijuutsu, the more literal breakdown of Iaijutsu illuminates its deeper purpose. Turn to the rear, matching swords with the rear opponent, again advance the right foot, winding his sword and cutting down. Once the perceived assailants have been deterred, the sword is cleaned and re-sheathed. Continue as in hirakinuki.Ī Yagyu suburi demonstrated by sensei is making big circles or figure 8’s from left hasso to right waki to right hasso to left waki, while changing feet. Hagai-gaeshi - like a bird flapping wings for take off 3. You are grabbed by the lapels from seiza. And here I am, a student of only a few years. I got credited in a Scientific American blog.Īnd if, after vanquishing his powerful foe Hayashizaki had lost the need for Iai, we might not know his name today. During the cut you slide forward or backward according to where teki is rolling himself, to escape or a desparate attack. The Iaijutsu student practices not to defeat others, but rather to defeat the things within them that prevent their self-development. Suwariwaza Inten Giri Negative turn-around cut From seiza, draw and cover while advancing the right foot to the right. Yatsu-nami - 8 waves 8 is lucky, waves of attack 4. This is the mission of Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu as transmitted by the 21st generation head–Sekiguchi Komei sensei. On the second step, turn clockwise and perform nukitsuke, sliding the left foot back or the right foot forward depending on the distance. It’s just a kiri oroshi with less speed and power. Toride-gaeshi - grab hand, cut Instructor Links Blog Forum. Withdraw the left foot and cut down.įoot work is same as chidori 8. Right foot steps forward and cut and slide back at the end of the cut.

The second opponent is slightly to the right, enter with the left foot in kasumi, step forward with the right and cut down. Mugen Shinto Ryu Iaijutsu kata – Rakushinkan Tsurube-otoshi - letting go of a water pale in a well, when sun goes down fast, dropping quickly. At some point we all iajutsu to lower that expectation and accept our natural ability to succeed, and to fail. Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu, and its traditional cultural heritage as transmitted by the Tosa Yamauchi family, was presented to Sekiguchi Komei sensei through the 20th generation head, Onoue Masamitsu. Place the sword against the opponent’s upper arms, left foot steps forward and you turn to the right, throwing the opponent. Properly speaking, Shinkage-ryu does not contain iaijutsu techniques, it is strictly a.

The following is a brief description of these kata.

Koran no Maki – the second volume by Takeda N.