If you violate any of these policies, your membership, center access, or event participation may be suspended or terminated. To the extent of a conflict with other policies, the more restrictive policy applies. We may adopt policies applicable to a single center or event. In some instances, the state law, order or guideline may establish different requirements applicable to certain centers or events that may otherwise not be described herein. These policies supplement those posted or otherwise provided in our centers, on our web or mobile sites or at our events.

To help protect our community, we encourage you to refrain from the Use of Life Time’s Premises and Services if you have symptoms of COVID-19, maintain social/physical distance at all times from others with whom you do not share regular contact, and subject to individual health conditions use a barrier mask within our premises. Because our clubs provide opportunities for vigorous higher-intensity exercise, you may experience or encounter more significant respiration than in other locations. While our policies are designed to help protect you, Life Time cannot remove all risk or otherwise guarantee or promise that you will not sustain any injuries or damages from viruses, communicable diseases, or other health hazards associated with your use of Life Time’s premises, facilities, equipment, services, activities, events or products (“Use of Life Time Premises and Services”), including exposure, transmission, infection, illness, sickness, disease or death with respect COVID-19 and the virus that causes it, SARS-CoV-2. The health and safety of our members and guests is our highest priority.

These policies also apply to your conduct during our programs, services, products, training, events, or other Life Time-sponsored activities off the premises ("events"). These policies apply to your conduct on Life Time's premises, which include its centers and all outdoor areas, including its parking lots, sidewalks, and outdoor pool, turf, court and child center play areas ("premises") or any use of Life Time's online, mobile or interactive offerings or websites.

At Life Time®- Healthy Way of Life ("Life Time," "our" or "we"), we have adopted policies, procedures, rules and regulations ("policies") designed to provide for the safe, enjoyable and healthy use of our premises and events by you-our members and guests.