With his newfound power, 13 completely overwhelms Goku and his allies. They surround 13 who is pleased that 14 and 15 have been destroyed and he proceeds to absorb their cores into his own being and undergoes a startling transformation.

13 manages to hold the upper hand against Goku, who is soon assisted by the arrival of Piccolo, while Trunks and Vegeta destroy 14 and 15. Goku, Vegeta and Trunks all simultaneously power up to their Super Saiyan forms as Gohan and Krillin watch on. Goku engages 13 while Trunks and Vegeta fight 14 and 15 respectively.
However, Vegeta soon arrives and indicates that he will not allow an android to kill Goku as that is his destiny. 13 quickly overwhelms Goku while Trunks is outmatched by the combined assault of 14 and 15. Gero's death, his computer has been programmed to continue the mission to kill Goku out of revenge for defeating the Red Ribbon Army decades prior. Goku and Trunks engage the androids when another android soon appears - Android 13. Goku suggests that they take the fight elsewhere in order to avoid harming innocent people in the city, and they fly off as the androids pursue them toward an arctic-like region. Introducing themselves as Androids 14 and 15, they attack and overwhelm Goku before Trunks intervenes.

Goku is confronted by the culprits and notes that he cannot sense their energy and correctly assumes that they are androids. They use a massive energy attack in an attempt to kill Goku but he, Gohan, Krillin, and Trunks manage to survive and save the people inside of the restaurant from certain death. Two beings enter the city and begin causing mayhem as they hunt for Goku, eventually detecting his location in the restaurant above them. However, Gero had secretly copied his consciousness into an underground supercomputer that continued to manifest his dream of creating the ultimate android capable of killing Goku and destroying humanity.Īt a shopping mall, Goku, Gohan, Chi-Chi, Krillin, Master Roshi, Oolong, and Future Trunks eat lunch in a restaurant. Gero is killed at the hands of his creations, the Androids 17 and 18.